Apples from the Desert

Savyon Liebrecht


A story by Savyon Liebrecht


A WebQuest on Family Relationships: Created by Nellie Deutsch


October 10, 2006

Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember




Apples from the Desert is a short story written by Savyon Liebrecht; an Israeli writer. The story illustrates two generations and two kinds of families: traditional and modern, religious and non-religious. You have been assigned to research and write a collaborative report comparing different kinds of families; traditional and modern. The report will consist of 4 interviews conducted by each of the reporters on the team. The summary and the actual interviews will appear in the final report.

Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports  | Notes to Remember




Reporter 1

Find a definition and explain what a modern family is in your country. Interview a modern family to get specific details and write the report. How is the daughter in Apples from the Desert modern? Explain.

Reporter 2: 

Find a definition and explain what a traditional family is in your country and explain. Interview a traditional family to get specific details and write your report. How is the mother in Apples from the Desert traditional? Explain.

Reporter 3: 

Get historical and background information on what it means to belong to a traditional family in another country. Interview a family from that country.

How would the mother in Apples from the Desert behave or react to her daughter's situation if she were a mother from that country? Explain.

Reporter 4:

Get historical and background information on what it means to belong to a modern family in another country. Interview a family from that country.

How would the daughter in Apples from the Desert behave or react to her mother if she were a daughter from that country? Explain.


Reporter 5:

Define and explain the terms nuclear and extended families. Provide examples and interview a member from an extended family and ask how they feel about their family. Do they feel connected? How often do they meet? What connects them? Who is part of the extended family in Apples from the Desert and why?


Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember




The following guidelines will help you and your team:

1. Organize yourselves in teams of four. Find out about team organization and work on the following page:

2. Make sure everyone on the team has read The Apples from the Desert. You should refer to the story as you work on the project.

3. Read the Task and divide your work among the team members. Each member will choose a reporter (1-4). Follow the instructions for each reporter.

4. Follow the links on the task page as your write up your individual reports:  Remember each member will be evaluated for team and individual work:

5. Edit your written reports as a team.

Hand in a collective first draft to the teacher. The final team collaborative report should consist of 7 parts.

6. Check the team evaluation rubrics to find out how you will be graded for team work  

7. Plan your presentation

Make sure that each reporter is ready to present his version of the story. Check the team evaluation rubric for your presentation.

8. You are encouraged to present your work in a creative way. You can use visual aids and other multimedia techniques like video, audio or PowerPoint presentations.

9. The grade is out of 100: 25 points for the individual report, 25 for the team presentation and 50 points for the team collaborative writing report.

10.  Do not hesitate to ask questions throughout the project. Your teacher and I will be available.  Please use the following page to send questions to me:


 Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember




A list of Internet resources for the tasks:

Background information on modern families:


Background information on traditional families


Additional Information

Writing PowerPoint presentations: Effective Presentations

Writing a bibliography: How to write a bibliography and citations.


Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember




Each team  will be evaluated for individual and team effort.

The grading system for the project is outlined in the evaluation rubrics:

25 points for the individual writing report, 50 for the

final team writing report and 25 points for the team presentation.


What  have you learned about family life from the Apples from the Desert?


Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember




Write a team summary , fill in an individual reflection with your comments on the WebQuest, and submit an evaluation of the project.

Please add your feedback on the WebQuest on IT4ALL Wiki.


Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember




Each team will present their findings and possible solutions in a creative way. This can be done by video or PowerPoint

presentations. It's important to plan carefully so that the presentation is persuasive, creative and appealing.  Check the

Evaluation Rubrics for the Team Presentation on how you will be evaluated. The best report will appear in the special edition

of the paper.


Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember



The Written Reports

The written file consists of 7 parts: Cover Page, Table of Contents , Introduction , Body , Conclusion , Bibliography , and Appendix .

Please check the evaluation rubrics on how to get full 100 points. You need to get 6 elements in for full points: Please make sure your appendix includes student reports and personal reflections on the work and on using a WebQuest.

1. The cover page consists of the research topic, the topic question, and the team members.

2. The table of contents must be numbered – a number for each page.

3. Page number one is the introduction page. It consists of an introduction to the article. You may relate to the introduction to the WebQuest.

Here you introduce your topic and topic question in greater detail.

4. Following the introduction is the actual body. This is the written part. Here you may write as many paragraphs as you need but you must have at least 3: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each paragraph must be connected to the other and to both the topic and the topic question. 

5. Next page is the conclusion. This page summarizes and may include your views. It must include a summary of the team reflection on the WebQuest, the process of the project and teamwork.

6. The bibliography gives a list of the sources used. All the sources must be listed alphabetically.

7. The final page of your written file is the appendix. It should consist of pictures, drawings, photographs, graphs, questionnaires, individual interviews, and personal reflections.



Notes to Remember

1. Only summaries in your own words will be accepted. You are not allowed to plagiarize.

2. You must document all your sources properly in the bibliography and in the footnotes (if you use them).

3. Your written work should be typed in double spacing. The size of the font should be 12 and it should be Arial or Times New Roman.

4. The written work is your finished product. The team should edit it for accuracy. You should hand in your drafts before so that your teacher can point out your mistakes.

5. Don't forget to hand in your reflections or

6. Your oral presentation is the way you present your work.

7. Each team member must participate in the presentation.

8. The presentation is evaluated both by the other teams as well as by your teacher.

9. You may use any visual or other aids that you find suitable for your topic.

10. The presentation should be at least 10 minutes long.

11. Each team member should be an expert on the topic at this point.

12. Any one of the team members may be asked questions by the other teams or by the teacher.

13. Time is a very important aspect of your projectYour team needs to be efficient.   Learn to manage your time well.  You will have some class time to work on the project. Make the most of it .

Remember: It's team work so collaborate and share.


Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Presentation | Reflection | Written Reports | Notes to Remember

Last updated October 19, 2006 by Nellie Deutsch

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