The Perfect Society!

 A WebQuest on The Giver: A Novel by Lois Lowry


Journal | Student | Teacher


Evaluation of the Committee's Final Written Report

(50 points)


Aspect of work


Weak (1-4 point)


Fair (5-7 points)


Perfect (8-10 points)



Team work and collaboration


Not everyone added their interviews and findings to the appendix so the team couldn't add everyone's report to the final team report.



Everyone added their interviews and reports to the appendix but the team failed to add it properly to the final team report.


Everyone added their interviews and reports. The team added all of them to the final team report.


Organization: A cover page, a table of contents, an introduction of the topic, three relevant paragraphs, a conclusion, a bibliography or list of references, and an appendix



Not organized: Three or four elements missing


Somewhat organized: One or two elements missing


Organized: All seven elements present


Appearance: typed with double space and font number 12 either Times New Roman or Ariel



One or two elements missing


One element missing


No elements missing





Content lacks transitions and unity


The students have organized ideas into coherent paragraphs, but transitions are sometimes awkward, and /or the assignment does not always hold together.


The students have organized ideas into coherent paragraphs with smooth transitions. The assignment has good structure and unity.


Sources cited


One or two sources used but not cited


Three to five sources used and cited


Seven sources used and cited in the reference or bibliography page


Last updated January 23, 2006 by Nellie Deutsch with suggestions by Sharon Peters