The Israeli Pedagogical Network for Collaborative Learning

Holland and Israel partnering in an online collaborative learning project


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Israeli Flag 

Two grade 10 classes from a school in Holland and Ort Gutman School in Israel are collaborating and sharing each other's literature. The students are learning Savyon Liebrecht's Apples from the Desert and Salt media poems. The two schools are learning about each other's historical, cultural, and social lives by exchanging information on Building Relationship; a MOODLE online learning environment, SchoolworkTogether; a ning social blogging network, and a wiki for the team work on the WebQuest Nellie Deutsch created a WebQuest for students to collaborate on traditional and modern families.


Click on the Images for Further Details


Savyon LiebrechtMark Boog

Mark Boog

Animation film of Mark Boog  and his poems Zout deel 1 (Salt part one)


Savyon Lietbrecht

Savyon Liebrecht and Apples from the Desert

About Savyon Liebrecht

About Savyon Liebrecht

Apples from the Desert - The Short Story

A WebQuest on Family Relationship

Apples from the Desert - An Article



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