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Exam Time for ESL/EFL and Other Students




What happens just before exams? Do you often wonder what to do? What can you do to prepare for ESL/EFL or other examinations?


Here are some suggestions:  Don't panic! Think about you know, then make a list of what you would like to know better. When cramming don't go over what you don't know. Leave it out for now. Deal with it later when you are free of exams.  The following forum  may be useful at this point. It will help you with various ESL/EFL topics like grammar. Just go in and follow the items on the page. The forum was set up to help students practice various ESL/EFL skills. The site is called ECNEBI. It was developed for Turkish students. You may find my translation page useful here so that you may use your own language dictionary.


What does attitude have to do with it?



Stress and exams don't need to go together. Read this article and find out how our minds can be told otherwise.

ESL learners feel anxious when doing reading comprehension tests


Exam Anxiety: Test anxiety: what is it and how to cope with it

Tamara D. Hanoski, Ph.D. Provisional Chartered Psychologist Student Counseling Services University of Alberta


How to be a successful student: This 48-page study skills booklet provides a complete summary of the tools, tips and techniques necessary for becoming an efficient and successful student.


York University has come up with some very useful exam taking tips. These are excellent preparations for all exams.

"It’s exam time again! Unsure of where to start in your quest for high marks? You’re not alone - students everywhere are dealing with a similar situation. Take control of your exams! There are many strategies to help you successfully prepare for, and write, your exams…"

Reducing anxiety during exams



These tips were produced for ISMA by Dr Dawn Hamiltion. If you wish to go into the subject in more detail then you should read her excellent book
Passing Exams - A Guide for Maximum Success and Minimum Stress by Dawn Hamilton PhD, Published by Cassell, ISBN 0-304-70489-X. You may also wish to visit her website which has a lot of useful information particularly on nutrition.


Through many years of research, IHM has developed what is now known as the HeartMath System: a set of practical techniques and technologies to help people transmute stress and negative emotions in the moment, improve performance and enrich the quality of life.


Controlling exam stress

Australian SWAP (Study Work And People)


Effortless Exams (The University of Adelaide)

"Stress is neither negative nor positive. It is our body’s normal response to challenge, threat or excitement." Unfortunately stress can interfere with exams. Here are ways of taking exams effortlessly.


Coping with Exam stress

"Exam time is always a stressful time, and every individual has their own way(s) of coping with it. There is a huge amount of information out there which will help you find the most effective means of reducing stress and making sure that you achieve your full potential in the exam situation."


Ways of coping with stress

Our children are taking ever more exams and suffering ever more exam stress. Sally Kinnes gets advice on how to manage and relieve exam stress.

  You are a success! You deserve a good mark! 

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